Newborn Care at Nyle Hospital

The first newborn care starts from breast feeding followed by newborn examination and tests. Precautionary steps are taken in the form of immunization to babies. Few minutes after birth, the baby is examined to check for general health and well-being.

Baby’s weight, temperature, and head circumference are measured and noted in the developmental chart. Complete examination of newborn is done within 72 h of birth by a paediatrician. This time is sufficient for the baby to adjust to new environment. The physician will question parents about medical history of the family and childhood problems of parents.

Head-to-toe Examination of Baby for Immediate Detection of Problems

Head – The paediatrician examines the shape of the head. Moulded head caused due to squeezing of head through vagina will come to normal within 48 h. If the birth is assisted by forceps or ventouse, bruises may appear on head (cephalhaematoma).

Eyes and Ears – The paediatrician will focus light rays from ophthalmoscope and watch for red reflex in your baby’s eyes. If red reflex is visible, cataracts can be identified. Automated otoacoustic emission (AOAE) test is done for baby to detect any hearing defects.

Mouth – The doctor inserts a finger and checks the mouth palate for proper sucking reflex. If there is cleft palate, feeding becomes difficult and surgery is the only means to correct it. Moreover, baby’s tongue is checked for tongue-tie (restricted movement of tongue).

Heart – The doctor listens to baby’s heart beat through stethoscope to detect heart murmurs or extra sounds. This is common for few days and the circulation pattern seems to be irregular after birth. Sometimes, the chest may appear bulged due to enlargement of heart; however, this would settle in the later stage.

Lungs – The lungs functioning and breathing pattern of baby is listened carefully through a stethoscope for knowing whether there is equal and clear entry of air into both lungs.

Genitals – The genitals of baby may appear dark-coloured and swollen due to hormones exposure before birth. Regardless of sex, the baby may have engorged breasts. Girl baby may get clear, white or mild blood mixed vaginal discharge for some weeks. The scrotum of boys is examined for undescended testes. The opening of the penis is checked for proper positioning.

Skin – The baby's skin is viewed for birthmarks such as stork marks, mongolian spots or strawberry marks.

Hands and Feet – The doctor or nurse checks baby's hands, arms, legs and foot. The toes and fingers are counted and viewed for webbing. The palms are checked for palmar creases. In some cases, single palmar creases will be linked to Down's syndrome, but does not confirm it. The ankle and feet is examined for clubfoot.

Spine – The baby’s spine is assessed for sacral dimple. Rarely, a deep sacral dimple may affect the nerve function in the lower part of spinal cord. In such cases, the doctor checks for other symptoms including cold and blue feet, leg weakness and incontinence.

Hips - The hip joints stability is checked by gently movements, including leg stretching, bending and unbending of legs. If instability or clicky hips is suspected, further examination will be done.

Follow-up examination and screening continues for the next 1 year as part of newborn care schedule. Doctors monitor and immunize the infant at regular intervals following the developmental chart.

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